* Registration for the 2025 season opens in January 1st, 2025*

Registration is a 2-step process

1. Register with Campbell River Comets

2. Register with BC Athletics/Athletics Canada

*You MUST complete both steps of the registration to be fully registered.

Please read carefully:

Step 1:  Register with the Comets Track Club.

First register with the Campbell River Comets Track & Field Club
Registration for the club is done through Trackie.com.  Please have your credit card ready.
At this time we are not setup with the bank to accept E-transfers yet. 

*Please note that your club registration does NOT include Track Meet Fees.
Registration for meets is paid for separately for any meet you choose to attend and events you participate in.

Step 2:  Register with Athletics Canada / BC Athletics.

Next register with Athletics Canada / BC Athletics.
This will allow you to compete in track meets offered anywhere in the province
and provides you with BC Sport Insurance.

Registration for Athletics Canada: AthleticsReg.ca

Once you have completed the 2 steps you will receive emails to confirm your registration.

**Note**  If you are registering as a NEW Comets member, you must “Create Account

You will then be issued a membership number that you will need to register for each Track Meet.

**Note**  If you are a Renewing member, you will already have an existing membership number on file with BC Athletics, and will still need to renew your membership each season.
*Do not create a new account through AthleticsReg if you have an existing account with BC Athletics*

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the club registrar at the following email link:


Practice and Track Meet Schedules Details to come!

Fees & Athletics Membership Valid January to December 2025

C.R. Comets Club Membership: $135      (Register before April 1st and receive a $10 early bird discount);
BC Athletics Memberships $85 – $125  (depending on age category)

1. Junior Development  U10**  (9** yr old with coach approval)
Cost: $220.00 CDN (C.R. Comets Membership $135  + $85 Athletics Canada / BC Athletics Membership)

2. Junior Development (U-14, ages 10 to 13)
Cost: $220.00 CDN (C.R. Comets Membership $135  + $85 Athletics Canada / BC Athletics Membership)

3) Under 16 (U-16, ages 14 and 15)
Cost: $260.00 CDN  (C.R. Comets Membership $135  + $125 Athletics Canada / BC Athletics Membership)

4) Under 18 Athletes (ages 16 and 17)
Cost: $250.00 CDN  (C.R. Comets Membership $125  + $125 Athletics Canada / BC Athletics Membership)

5) Under 20 Athletes, and Senior (ages 18 and 19) and ages 20+
Cost: $260.00 CDN  (C.R. Comets Membership $135  + $125 Athletics Canada / BC Athletics Membership)

6) Under 23 (age 18 – 22) Junior/Senior Post Secondary Athletes (proof of registration at a Post-secondary institution required)
Cost: $220.00 CDN (C.R. Comets Membership $135  + $85 Athletics Canada / BC Athletics Membership)

7) Masters Athletes (35 years +)
Cost: $220.00 CDN (C.R. Comets Membership $135  + $85 Athletics Canada / BC Athletics Membership)

8) Parent non-competitive (training)
Cost: $175.00 CDN (C.R. Comets Membership $135  + $40 Athletics Canada / BC Athletics Membership)

** Registration for U-10 (9 yr olds is offered only if sufficient coaching staff is available. 
** The Track Rascals Program (6-8 yr olds) is offered by select (larger clubs) in the province as an introduction to track and field. The Campbell River Track Club does NOT offer a Track Rascals program.

 * Additional family member(s) discount : $10.00 CDN  discount which applies to each additional family member.
(A reimbursement cheque will be issued for qualifying families after registration is complete).